Thursday, February 28, 2008

06th January 2008

The Mask of Anarchy

"Last came Anarchy: he rode
On a white horse, splashed with blood;
He was pale even to the lips,
Like Death in the Apocalypse.

And he wore a kingly crown;
And in his grasp a sceptre shone;
On his brow this mark I saw -

"The Mask of Anarchy"-P.B.Shelley

Just as Ariel Sharon's visit to Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque in 1999 prefigured US foreign policy under Bush, I have a sense that a new spirit already suffuses through US policy even though Bush still has a year to go in office.The high noon of the neo-cons has been and gone and the ultimate paroxysm of their madness, the bombing of Iran, no longer seems likely. But from Pakistan to Bolivia, from Kosovo to Kenya this new spirit is a work: the spirit of anarchy.

In Bolivia, a democratically elected government is under threat from traditional elites
desperately hanging onto privilege with the support of the USA. Their goal is to break the power of central government by creating autonomous provinces under their own control. In Pakistan US/UK nominal support for Musharraf is in question as they seek to fragment that country, again playing on centrifugal forces.

In Kenya the US sent their congratulations to Kibaki only withdrawing it when fraud became too glaringly evident. The essentials of the situation are that the victory of America's man through a fraudulent electoral process led to massive opposition which was suppressed and channeled into tribal rivalries through provocations which involved state agencies in at least some cases.In Kosovo the US/UK are once again orchestrating mayhem through the KLA,a tactic made possible by the fading of the Clash of Civilizations paradigm(remember how the Al-Queda tinged KLA's rampage through Macedonia had to be discreetly halted after the 9/11 attacks).

Everywhere the talk is of terrorist groups, tribalism, ethnicity, secession and always the hand of Anglo-American subversion can reasonably suspected although not always proven.The goal here is not global conquest but global chaos; it is a scorched earth policy- if the empire cannot prevail then at least no one else will, and privilege will hold sway over democracy in a world of fragmented nation states and local oligarchies.

In opposition to the destructive machinations emanating from London and Washington are new democratic movements which have a new sense of the centrality of the nation state as their context and their domain. We have seen this dramatically in Lebanon and I believe also in Iraq despite the endless hype about sectarian division. We have also seen Russia and China emerging as stabilising forces in world politics and they are showing themselves skilled opponents of Western wrecking, a factor that makes me feel that it is now too late for the Soros, Democratic Party strategy, if that is indeed what we're seeing, which might have been run with some success in 2004. The world has changed since then and if 2008 is to be the year of democracy it will be the continued advance of the world's long down-trodden peoples and nations, not democracy as the mask of anarchy
02nd January 2008

Virtually there!

The difficulty of grasping the present state of affairs, particularly in the Anglosphere is due to the coexistence of two different worlds: a real one and a virtual one. Let's look at the real one first.

Faced with multiple challenges to its hegemony, Anglo-America, after failing to extend the Jugoslav scenario to Russia, embarked on a reckless invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Much ink has flown in the attempt to explain this bizarre and doomed venture. Its reason was simple: no one was able to come up with any other solution to fading US power and so the neo-con project was the only option on the table. Now, as widely predicted, defeat is guaranteed and imminent. In both Iraq and Afghanistan, deals are being done with resistance forces to gain a little time and to delay the inevitable humiliating retreat.Governments which were meant to be puppets are dissociating themselves from the occupiers and seeking their own salvation, witness the expulsion of Western diplomats from Afghanistan and the Kirkuk to Syria pipeline.

Since the Iraq War was the last gasp defence of Anglo-American hegemony, it follows from the above that its hegemony is over.In the last years of empire, that hegemony was characterised by a high dollar and pound drawing investment into the London and New York bond markets. These currencies are now going into free-fall and holders of these courrencies in quantity can do no better than buy up chunks of the US economy at knock down prices. The irony of the Communist Party of China bailing out Wall Street seems to have been lost, but the appreciation of irony rests on the perception of a clash between appearance and reality, and that is precisely what is lacking. Of course, these purchases are not just business deals: they have a geo-political component- they are a manifestation of the shift of political power from West to East.

It occurred to me a while back,that, if I was a policy maker in Beijing, I would intervene in such a way as to prop up the dollar while allowing the pound to fall, to gravitate to the level at which it would enter the Euro. Whether this fiendish scheme has in fact been hatched, this is what seems to be happening. Britain has been playing an ambiguous role as both European amd Atlanticist power, and it is not unnatural for the markets, the unbuckable markets to seek clarification: Is Britain heading for the Euro or the abyss?

So much for reality. I won't dwell on the parallel virtual world which is familiar to us all from the media. The problem is that these two worlds being so dissonant, so completely out of phase, has rendered any decision making process problematic. The real world cries out for remedial action; the virtual world sits on its laurels. Were this to be the life of an individual a breakdown would be on the way, and this is true also of the body politic. What form will the breakdown take? It is hard to say since we are in uncharted waters, a historically unprecedented situation.

The action required is the easy part: our abandonment of hegemonic pretensions; the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan; an international peace conference to resolve all outstanding issues in the Middle East; recognition of the sovereignty and integrity of Serbia;an end to hostilities against Russia, Iran and Venezuela; an end to the absurd "war on terror" and the and the disbanding of our Al-Queda networks and other instruments of international subversion; an end to our wrecking role in Europe. Such a programme would reintegrate us into the community of nations and win us goodwill and support we need to get out of the mess were in. And what a Goddamn mess it is!

Or we could just go on in our virtual world of victories in the desert, winning hearts and minds, rebuilding, international coalitions, bringing peace and democracy, sound economic fundamentals, improving standards, staving off a recession etc. etc..
28th September 2007

An existential crisis

The present financial crisis has only just started and promises to be profound and far reaching. It’s resolution can be one that favours the few who habitually monopolise political and economic power or one that favours the many who habitually strive to create some kind of life for themselves. In short, it’s resolution can be oligarchical or democratic.

In the normal course of events, if one can use that expression to describe a situation so extraordinary, I believe the latter to be the expected outcome. There is a universal trend towards democracy and its necessary companion, sovereignty; peoples and nations are reasserting themselves in the face of the arrogance of imperial domination. South America is only the most spectacular manifestation of this trend, the human face of globalisation which is turning back the tide of misery and exploitation and the humiliation of nations and peoples. The hinterlands in which the exploiters can move to take easy pickings are being blocked off; in the heartlands the dark recesses from which elite power works its malign influence are being exposed to the light of day.

I say in the normal course of events, but things will not be left to take their normal course: the elite will use all the levers of power and influence to twist the course of events, frustrating and dissipating popular aspirations and sowing discord and division. The solution to this crisis, which is also an opportunity to create a more just and egalitarian society, in the first instance through the transformation of a financial system so blatantly skewered towards minority privilege, should be simple. But those who have held power so long will not willingly let it slip from their hands; they will unleash the riders of the apocalypse.

The first of these is war. At a conference of false-flag terrorists in London, organised by the Margaret Thatcher Atlantic Bridge, the remains of the Atlantic Alliance called for war on Iran, a war which would in all probability become a global war between East and West.

The second is hunger. Fidel Castro was prescient to warn of the effects of bio fuel substitution on food supplies and is also the only world leader to note the disappearance of pollinators so essential to our food supply. Scarcity, artificially created, is the friend of the elite; a guarantee of their safety while those on the bestial floor, to use Yeat’s expression, fight for what’s left.

The third of these is the economic crisis itself, above all inflation, wiping out income and savings, bringing trauma to millions.

The fourth is political chaos and dissolution, the breakdown of society and law and order. Traditionally a fear of the privileged, in a world turned on its head, it is in our interest that the rule of law should prevail against an oligarchy which is a law unto itself.

This is a grim picture but I stress that the natural course of events favours humanity to finally reach peace and security after its long and bloody trek through history; but we must be more than ever alert to skulduggery, to conspiracy which is the quintessential modus operandi of oligarchy. Never have light and darkness been so commingled in our constellation and our world so poised to turn to one or the other.
21st September 2007

Northern Rock, the Pound and the Euro

On Monday night the government made the decision to guarantee deposits at northern Rock. This was hailed by some as an act which sacrificed shareholders and management whilst protecting depositors. What the government had really done was was to underwrite the beleaguered bank’s liabilities whilst leaving it to dispose of its assets as it pleases. Actually this is the kind of arrangement financiers have always favoured for quite obvious reasons. Meanwhile, the depositors , if they do take Darling’s word, will end up, at best with a reimbursement deeply eroded by inflation. True to form New Labour stands behind the British oligarchy. To defend his actions Darling, recalling his student days, may have come up with a slogan like this: defend the gains of the thatcherite revolution!

To guarantee Rock’s deposits was not wrong, but it was only part of the required policy: they also had to take control Rock’s assets. These of course would not themselves be very solid given the problems its clients, and British mortgage holders, in general, are having. But the government would be in a position to restructure these loans allowing mortgage holders in difficulty to remain in their homes on reasonable terms. As it is, the financial vultures are set to take over Rock, milking it for what it’s worth regardless of social consequences. The government has missed an opportunity to intervene decisively to sort out the mess at the expense of the financiers and in the interest of the British people (although, it must be said, it was an opportunity that they were never likely to take).

The consequences of the government stand have been as immediate as they have been unremarked (careless talk costs profits): the pound has plummeted on the foreign exchange markets. The prestige and high value of the pound sterling underwrites the prosperity of Britain’s post-industrial, consumer economy. Under the wing of the dollar, it is a global reserve currency: its demise is, for better or worse, the end of Britain as we know it.

It’s true that in happier times reckless financial strategies would not have ended in tears in this way. Indeed, the anglosphere has spent the last thirty years partying as we offloaded our crisis onto the rest of the world. But these are no longer happy times for ailing hegemons. The Anglo-American empire is a financial empire underpinned in the last instance by military force. That force has been put to the test in iraq and Afghanistan and found to be wanting. There is nothing left to restore the stability of the pound and the dollar. The situation is precisely analogous to that of Italy at the end of the Roman Empire where, having hollowed out its own productive capacity, it had woven itself into the heart of a division of labour around the Mediterranean on which it was dependent, but no longer controlled.

For thirty years we in Britain have subverted every notion of what it means to maintain a society, a state, a coherent body politic. We are left, not with a legal or constitutional framework, not with a public sector free from private profiteering, not with a responsible citizen body, not with a commonwealth of any form, but with nothing but money, paper money, soon to reveal itself as worthless.

In the summer of 2005 the British media were celebrating the demise of the Euro. Now things look rather different: despite massive intervention by the ECB the Euro is holding firm, although they still have the real test in the form of Spain’s total bankruptcy. So with an eye to stabilising our own rocky ship we can consider ourselves lucky to have the option of moving into the euro zone if our continental friends are satisfied that the right conditions are being met ( we will probably have to undertake considerable sanitisation of our finances before qualifying for such a move). We have that option, but not if our oligarchs of the Murdoch school have anything to do with it; these same oligarchs who now plan to mete out to us what they have been meting out to the rest of the world for a long time. For these recipients of corporate welfare the government in their pocket must not be devalued.

UKIP and others, failing to see that our sovereignty is being subverted internally, reject Europe in the belief that they are defending that sovereignty. For all that Europe has still a way to go before truly emerging into the post neo-liberal, post-imperial world, I believe it provides us with a lifeline, a context in which to claw our way back to civilization, an escape route from the horrors of a failed state run by a vicious, murderous cabal.
14th September 2007

Citizens of the world...(from Argentina about the next 9-11)


Citizens of the world, the lies about the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the Twin Towers (9/11/01) are falling apart: Dublin , Madrid , Buenos Aires , Rome , Paris , United States .

On September 11th, those of us who struggle for the truth will be honoring the victims in Buenos Aires , Dublin , Santiago de Chile, Caracas , Madrid , Paris , Rome , Brussels and several places of the United States . Six years ago, Bush swore that the terrorist had been Bin Laden, and the whole world except for few believed him. Today, few believe him.

Italian, Spanish, Argentine, French, German and many American organizations and investigators are working for the truth, for there are as many lies as casualties. University professor David Ray Griffin is calling for demonstrations all over the world: Because of the attack, Americans have accepted anything.

“The attacks left Americans numb enough to accept anything; in the US , this has meant severe restrictions to civil liberties. Abroad, we have had a war against terror that has been a war of aggression against Muslims. This has meant six years of torture, humiliation and death of hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan and Iraq , people who were innocent civilians or soldiers fighting against an immoral and even illegal occupation.

The cover-up of the media is worldwide

We have seen an unprecedented cover-up of the media in the US and allied countries (also in Argentina). There had been cover-ups before. But in this case, the crime was larger, enormous, the consequences more serious, catastrophic, and the evidences, more obvious. (For example, just by looking at the falling down of the building 7 of the World Trade Center, anyone who knows anything about this issue must consider that it was pulled down by explosives (and not by planes).

The massive media are hiding the fact that we are not before the presence of Muslim terrorism, but terrorism generated by the government of the US.

The failure of the media in exposing the lies of the official version threatens the continuity of democracy, which simply cannot work without independent media devoted to reveal crimes of State.

Which is the truth about Bush’s war against terror? None

The war against terror is false. The “movement for the truth about 9/11” is motivated by the desire to discover the truth about what really happened and who is really behind these attacks. In these six years, the movement has made much progress.

Many can see that there was no external attack but an inside work.

More and more people are beginning to realize that the attacks of 9/11 were an inside job orchestrated by the government of the United States as a pretext to apply their previously established external politics.

The advances of those who struggle for the truth are huge.

There have been two very important advances. One has been the appearance of groups of professionals. Now, not only do we have “scholars for truth about 9/11” and “scholars for truth and justice about 9/11”, which has released a magazine with studies about 9/11; we also have “veterans for truth about 9/11”, “pilots for truth about 9/11”, architects and engineers for truth about 9/11”. On the other hand, despite the fact that there still is not an organization of former intelligence agents, many of them have spoken publicly.

Importance of activism

The other great advance has been the increase of activism regarding 9/11 in Europe . But we still have a long way to go. That is why it is important that all of you do not cease to work in order to put pressure on all the politicians in the world and demand a true investigation on 9/11. Congratulations on your success in organizing this historic demonstration. It might be remembered as one of the steps that helped discover the truth about 9/11, a truth that will mean a lot to overcome the madness that we are going through”.

This is the letter by David Ray Griffin, which we support. But Argentines still can say something.

Who are the investigators, personalities, artists, governments and statesmen that are joining the struggle for the truth?

Eminem, Immortal Technique and Mortal Def have written a rap which chorus says “Bush knocked down the towers”; the artists around the world could abandon their fears and emulate them.

In Hollywood , actors like Charlie Sheen, Danny Glober, Sharon Stone, Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins and Sean Penn are committed to the demolition of the official lies. Are our actors staying behind?

Prestigious investigators like French Thierry Meyssan, Italian Giulieto Chiesa, Americans Webster Griffin Tarpley, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, Mike Kupferberger, Eric Hudsmichdt, etcetera; lawyers like Stanley Hilton, are advancing with discoveries that indicate that Bush’s government is the author of the attacks. The group of Argentine investigators is getting international respect by connecting the international politics of Bush based on 9/11 with the utilization of attacks in Argentina (Embassy of Israel, AMIA) to accuse and invade Iran.

Statesmen like former German minister Andreas von Bulow say that 9/11 was a self-attack, and the prominent American politician B. Brzezinski recognizes that the US may need more self-attacks. The political class and most of the Argentine journalists pretend to ignore these facts.

From Argentina , we support the activities and wish for a huge success of the movements in Europe and the US.

The self-attacks of the US were the crowning of a process that started in Lockerbie (Scotland), continued in Buenos Aires (1992, 1994) and included similar attacks in Madrid and London. Day after day, more suspicions of cover-up from the Spanish and British governments arise. Investigators and movements for the truth are taking care of what happened in the US , but so far the only country that acknowledges that its institutions were used for the cover-up is Argentina . Our country confessed “I cover up”, but it still cannot say “I cover up by orders of this and that foreign power”.

Hundreds of deaths in Madrid , London and Buenos Aires ; thousands in the US ; millions in Lebanon , Iraq , Palestine and Afghanistan . The Patriot Act that was a major blow against freedom in the US already has its pair among us, the “Antiterrorist Act” and “Intelligence Act”. How can we not fight together with the democratic citizens and investigators of Iraq , Lebanon , Afghanistan , Spain , Britain and the US ?!

On the next September 11th we shall be walking side by side with the Europeans and Americans that are showing the world that the reserves of the American democracy have not been silenced despite the acts and politics of terrorism of Blair, Olmert and Bush and the massive campaigns of local and international censorship.

Dr Oscar Abudara Bini
7th April 2007

The Case of the Bees

The humble bee finds itself at the centre of controversy as scientists seek to the respond to their disturbing disappearance which is now making itself felt as far afield as Taiwan.
We have had recantations, and denunciations within the scientific community; for the most part, they and the media, at least in the USA, throw in their lot with a theory that a fungus, Nosema ceranae, is responsible. This in preference to the politically incorrect notion that human agency, via microwave emissions from mobile phone masts and satellites, may be responsible. Unfortunately a government agency has made short shrift of the fungus theory:

“Government scientists who have been tracking the phenomenon they call Colony Collapse Disorder were skeptical, however, saying the parasite had been an early suspect in the bee die-off but that they had concluded it probably was not responsible.”

Clearly we need an investigation which is prepared to countenance all possibilities.

Why should we regard this issue as being of such importance?

Firstly, the disappearance of the bee is in itself a ecological disaster of major proportions; its direct consequence would affect about a third of the food chain, but because the interconnectedness of all aspects of nature its wider effects could be far worse.

Secondly, if the bee is being affected by microwave radiation, or blighted by something else which undermines its ability to orientate itself, it is probable, and there is some evidence, that other insects and birds are suffering similarly, pointing again to a wider ecological crisis.

Thirdly, if the microwaves( from mobile phone masts or satellites) are affecting bees then this begs the question what effect our they having on ourselves. We already have a substantial body of scientific work showing the deleterious effect of microwave communications on humans which has generally been kept away from public attention.

Finally, this an issue about truth, not in some higher ideological or religious sense but about simple factual truth and our ability to tell it. Are we re-enacting on a grand scale Ibsen’s great drama “ The Enemy of the People” in which the whole superstructure of official society, media , trade unions, vested interests etc. conspire to prevent the reality, that the waters of a local spa are poisoned, being revealed? If we have many Dr Stockmans( Ibsen’s hero who wishes to expose the truth) we also have an unprecedented apparatus of official society, of experts, scientific bodies, academia etc., much of which is working on behalf of private interests. This is a public interest question par excellence; the internet has already been singled out as a vehicle for politically incorrect conclusions regarding this case; it may be it is only hope in building momentum for a truly scientific, open-ended, and urgent, inquiry into this disturbing state of affairs.
18th July 2007

The Moment to Counter-attack

Two recent events could point to the emergence of a genuine opposition to the ruling elite in the anglosphere: the break from the left by Cindy Sheehan and her decision to stand against Pelosi and Michael Moore’s belated recognition of the dark underside of 9/11 and the need for a proper investigation. Both cases revealed a high level of disillusionment with the Democratic Party and its failure to exploit its election success in November.

What would constitute a genuine opposition? One not run by the people it was meant to be opposing. That doesn’t seem too much to ask but the dismal failure of the so-called anti-war movement and its fawning submissiveness before the Democratic party, or a supposed oppositional wing within New Labour, showed quite clearly that the strategy of running both sides, developed over the course of centuries by the Anglo-Saxon elite, was in play.

But the process of control through co-option has its limits and we are seeing these now. What happens when such a strategy becomes ineffective? The elite need something more drastic, to enforce their rule in a more direct, coercive fashion. Now is the moment they need the “war on terror” like never before. Another “catalysing event”, to use the PNAC’s euphemism for an attack on their own population, would provide a chance to overthrow the constitution at home and to bounce a reluctant military into the madness of an attack, likely nuclear, against Iran.

How does the Downing Street’s absurd anti-Russian campaign fit in the picture? Maybe they see conflict with Iran as inevitably leading to a wider conflict, in fact, a world war - all flowing form the conundrum the war party faced from the moment they became bogged down in Iraq: escalate or withdraw. They have since become paralysed unable to choose a clear direction largely because they faced an increasingly disaffected military. Will Cheney and his crew finally cast off their shackles and bury their own crimes in the rubble of a global conflagration?

It will be difficult: many have wisened up to the false-flag tactic. Furthermore, with the left-right political game exposed as a sham we have a chance to form a genuine opposition to the criminals whose war against terror is now a war against humanity, a war they are conducting on multiple fronts; bankrupting and impoverishing the population, destroying our health and environment, undermining our rights as citizens and plunging us into the horror of war without end. We face a terrifying regression at the hands of an elite whose deepest wish is to break once and for all from the the constraints of the nation state(or, more fundamentally, any notion of society), its institutions, its productive capacity, its notion of a common good and its people.

But they are overstretched on all fronts, not just in Iraq and Afghanistan. The dramatic housing crash in the US must inevitably bring into question the way in which people have been lured into debt. In Britain we see the clear emergence of a movement, at the present on a local basis, of opposition to the proliferation of mobile phone masts on the basis of the clear perception that we are being lied about their safety. The farcical “terrorist attacks” in London and Glasgow of the last weeks cannot have assuaged the growing suspicion about who was behind the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks. Finally, the Iraq war is more unpopular than ever and people can only look on in disbelief as it becomes clear that we are to “stay the course until the job is done”.
Now is the moment for a counter-attack on all fronts. We are engaged in a struggle to survive as human beings not human machines( as Aristotle defined slavery)and even to survive at all: can we finally throw off the ideological chains that have bound us and get to our enemies before they get to the button?
09th April 2007

Chomsky calls for regime change in Iran

Here under the pretence of calling for a movement to stop a possible war against Iran, Chomsky, in all but name, calls for regime change in Iran and shows that he is gravitating towards the position of the likes of HOPOI and Iran Workers Bulletin,whose position is in turn barely distinguishable form that of the likes of Michael Ledeen. I post Chomsky’s article below with my own commentaries.

Preventing War with Iran(Alternet)

Naom Chomsky

Unsurprisingly, George W. Bush's announcement of a "surge" in Iraq came despite the firm opposition to any such move of Americans and the even stronger opposition of the (thoroughly irrelevant) Iraqis. It was accompanied by ominous official leaks and statements -- from Washington and Baghdad -- about how Iranian intervention in Iraq was aimed at disrupting our mission to gain victory, an aim which is (by definition) noble.
What then followed was a solemn debate about whether serial numbers on advanced roadside bombs (IEDs) were really traceable to Iran; and, if so, to that country's Revolutionary Guards or to some even higher authority.
This "debate" is a typical illustration of a primary principle of sophisticated propaganda. In crude and brutal societies, the Party Line is publicly proclaimed and must be obeyed -- or else. What you actually believe is your own business and of far less concern. In societies where the state has lost the capacity to control by force, the Party Line is simply presupposed; then, vigorous debate is encouraged within the limits imposed by unstated doctrinal orthodoxy. The cruder of the two systems leads, naturally enough, to disbelief; the sophisticated variant gives an impression of openness and freedom, and so far more effectively serves to instill the Party Line. It becomes beyond question, beyond thought itself, like the air we breathe.

[But how is this unstated doctrinal orthodoxy imposed? In the Anglo-Saxon world there have always been a behind- the –scenes oligarchical networks. These permeate all the organizations and institutions of society: academia, political parties of right and left(including the far left, by the look of it), media, think-tanks, quangos, NGOs etc..
One of the distinctive features of contemporary oligarchy is the crystalisation of their power in alternative state organizations such as Homeland Security, Northern Command, COBRA, John Reid’s new Home Office etc.]

The debate over Iranian interference in Iraq proceeds without ridicule on the assumption that the United States owns the world. We did not, for example, engage in a similar debate in the 1980s about whether the U.S. was interfering in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan, and I doubt that Pravda, probably recognizing the absurdity of the situation, sank to outrage about that fact (which American officials and our media, in any case, made no effort to conceal). Perhaps the official Nazi press also featured solemn debates about whether the Allies were interfering in sovereign Vichy France, though if so, sane people would then have collapsed in ridicule.
In this case, however, even ridicule -- notably absent -- would not suffice, because the charges against Iran are part of a drumbeat of pronouncements meant to mobilize support for escalation in Iraq and for an attack on Iran, the "source of the problem." The world is aghast at the possibility. Even in neighboring Sunni states, no friends of Iran, majorities, when asked, favor a nuclear-armed Iran over any military action against that country. From what limited information we have, it appears that significant parts of the U.S. military and intelligence communities are opposed to such an attack, along with almost the entire world, even more so than when the Bush administration and Tony Blair's Britain invaded Iraq, defying enormous popular opposition worldwide.

[A gentle insinuation a la Robert Fisk that the alternative is between war and a nuclear-armed Iran.]

"The Iran effect"
The results of an attack on Iran could be horrendous. After all, according to a recent study of "the Iraq effect" by terrorism specialists Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank, using government and Rand Corporation data, the Iraq invasion has already led to a seven-fold increase in terror. The "Iran effect" would probably be far more severe and long-lasting. British military historian Corelli Barnett speaks for many when he warns that "an attack on Iran would effectively launch World War III."

[Corelli Barnet is right but Chomsky contends that that WWIII means an escalation of terror, presumably “Islamic terror” as a response to a US attack. No, WWIII would not mean that, it would mean a war between states like the US, Russia and China. Chomsky tries to reinforce the idea that terrorism is an Islamic response to imperialism ignoring the possibility, backed by considerable evidence, that the US/UK is behind “Islamic terror” both in the US and in Iraq.]

What are the plans of the increasingly desperate clique that narrowly holds political power in the U.S.? We cannot know. Such state planning is, of course, kept secret in the interests of "security." Review of the declassified record reveals that there is considerable merit in that claim -- though only if we understand "security" to mean the security of the Bush administration against their domestic enemy, the population in whose name they act.

[ There has been a whole series of leaks about US intentions to attack Iran from prominent figures like Giraldi, Hersch and Brzezinski but since the left has kept things hush-hush Chomsky discreetly suggests “we cannot know” about this open secret.]

Even if the White House clique is not planning war, naval deployments, support for secessionist movements and acts of terror within Iran, and other provocations could easily lead to an accidental war. Congressional resolutions would not provide much of a barrier. They invariably permit "national security" exemptions, opening holes wide enough for the several aircraft-carrier battle groups soon to be in the Persian Gulf to pass through -- as long as an unscrupulous leadership issues proclamations of doom (as Condoleezza Rice did with those "mushroom clouds" over American cities back in 2002). And the concocting of the sorts of incidents that "justify" such attacks is a familiar practice. Even the worst monsters feel the need for such justification and adopt the device: Hitler's defense of innocent Germany from the "wild terror" of the Poles in 1939, after they had rejected his wise and generous proposals for peace, is but one example.

[“And the concocting of the sorts of incidents that "justify" such attacks is a familiar practice.” However, it would probably require the concocting of an “incident” on the scale of 9/11 to set this war going, a possibility that Chomsky and most of the left dismiss as a “conspiracy theory”]

The most effective barrier to a White House decision to launch a war is the kind of organized popular opposition that frightened the political-military leadership enough in 1968 that they were reluctant to send more troops to Vietnam -- fearing, we learned from the Pentagon Papers, that they might need them for civil-disorder control.

[ This little flurry of revolutionary élan costs Chomsky nothing, since there is no such movement, the existing “antiwar movement” having carefully avoided highlighting the dangers, or mobilizing against, an Iran war.]

Doubtless Iran's government merits harsh condemnation, including for its recent actions that have inflamed the crisis. It is, however, useful to ask how we would act if Iran had invaded and occupied Canada and Mexico and was arresting U.S. government representatives there on the grounds that they were resisting the Iranian occupation (called "liberation," of course). Imagine as well that Iran was deploying massive naval forces in the Caribbean and issuing credible threats to launch a wave of attacks against a vast range of sites -- nuclear and otherwise -- in the United States, if the U.S. government did not immediately terminate all its nuclear energy programs (and, naturally, dismantle all its nuclear weapons). Suppose that all of this happened after Iran had overthrown the government of the U.S. and installed a vicious tyrant (as the US did to Iran in 1953), then later supported a Russian invasion of the U.S. that killed millions of people (just as the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of Iran in 1980, killing hundreds of thousands of Iranians, a figure comparable to millions of Americans). Would we watch quietly?

[If I was living in the anglosphere, I wouldn’t be focusing on condemnation of other people’s governments- all the regimes in the world are as nothing, in terms of criminality, compared to our own]

It is easy to understand an observation by one of Israel's leading military historians, Martin van Creveld. After the U.S. invaded Iraq, knowing it to be defenseless, he noted, "Had the Iranians not tried to build nuclear weapons, they would be crazy."

[He can’t resist it- the Fiskian insinuation, worthy of the master himself!]

Surely no sane person wants Iran (or any nation) to develop nuclear weapons. A reasonable resolution of the present crisis would permit Iran to develop nuclear energy, in accord with its rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, but not nuclear weapons. Is that outcome feasible? It would be, given one condition: that the U.S. and Iran were functioning democratic societies in which public opinion had a significant impact on public policy.

[Surely no sane anti-war activist would insinuate, without evidence, that Iran is intent on getting nuclear weapons, knowing that that could be the pretext for an attack.

“A reasonable resolution of the present crisis would permit Iran to develop nuclear energy, in accord with its rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, but not nuclear weapons”

This is precisely what Iran argues- did you not know, Oh great professor? Is it that, whereas we inevitably must remain ignorant of the machinations of our own government, we have secret knowledge that the Iranians are really intent on getting nuclear weapons. After all, isn’t that just what these mad mullahs would do in disobedience to the fatwa of the great Ayatollah himself.]

As it happens, this solution has overwhelming support among Iranians and Americans, who generally are in agreement on nuclear issues. The Iranian-American consensus includes the complete elimination of nuclear weapons everywhere (82% of Americans); if that cannot yet be achieved because of elite opposition, then at least a "nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East that would include both Islamic countries and Israel" (71% of Americans). Seventy-five percent of Americans prefer building better relations with Iran to threats of force. In brief, if public opinion were to have a significant influence on state policy in the U.S. and Iran, resolution of the crisis might be at hand, along with much more far-reaching solutions to the global nuclear conundrum.

[“If public opinion were to have....”. Yes, but how is that opinion to manifest itself in a country where you can’t move without coming up against the left-gatekeepers.]

Promoting democracy -- at home
These facts suggest a possible way to prevent the current crisis from exploding, perhaps even into some version of World War III. That awesome threat might be averted by pursuing a familiar proposal: democracy promotion -- this time at home, where it is badly needed. Democracy promotion at home is certainly feasible and, although we cannot carry out such a project directly in Iran, we could act to improve the prospects of the courageous reformers and oppositionists who are seeking to achieve just that. Among such figures who are, or should be, well-known, would be Saeed Hajjarian, Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, and Akbar Ganji, as well as those who, as usual, remain nameless, among them labor activists about whom we hear very little; those who publish the Iranian Workers Bulletin may be a case in point.

[Preventing war depends entirely on checking and overthrowing the War Party in US/UK. Their goal is the destruction of Iran not a democratic Iran. It’s not up to Iran to stop itself being attacked- it’s up to us to refrain from attacking it.
Democracy promotion at home is “feasible” but in what, concretely, would such a project consist. Never mind, let’s get on to supporting the Iranian opposition. Do you concern yourself with the question of how many Iranians want to weaken there country with internal revolution just at this moment when they face a mortal foreign threat? You could almost be a closet Leninist were it not that Lenin, at least, had the merit of distinguishing between imperialism and its victims.]

We can best improve the prospects for democracy promotion in Iran by sharply reversing state policy here so that it reflects popular opinion. That would entail ceasing to make the regular threats that are a gift to Iranian hardliners. These are bitterly condemned by Iranians truly concerned with democracy promotion (unlike those "supporters" who flaunt democracy slogans in the West and are lauded as grand "idealists" despite their clear record of visceral hatred for democracy).

[I see, so the democratic revolution here consists merely of changing state policy(albeit “sharply”), whereas, judging by the groups you espouse, in Iran it consists of regime change. Furthermore the main point of changing policy here is to facilitate regime change in Iran. The threats are a problem because they’re “ a gift to hardliners” not because they are wrong in themselves, an act of war, accompanying actions within Iran to undermine Iranian sovereignty. For my part I cannot stress sufficiently the extent that regime change begins at home.]

Democracy promotion in the United States could have far broader consequences. In Iraq, for instance, a firm timetable for withdrawal would be initiated at once, or very soon, in accord with the will of the overwhelming majority of Iraqis and a significant majority of Americans. Federal budget priorities would be virtually reversed. Where spending is rising, as in military supplemental bills to conduct the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it would sharply decline. Where spending is steady or declining (health, education, job training, the promotion of energy conservation and renewable energy sources, veterans benefits, funding for the UN and UN peacekeeping operations, and so on), it would sharply increase. Bush's tax cuts for people with incomes over $200,000 a year would be immediately rescinded.

[“Democracy promotion in the United States” turns out to be a wish list of good things. Never mind the effective overriding of the constitution, the human rights abuses, the surveillance of the entire population, the moves to overthrow posse comitatus and the implied threat of martial law, the domination of neo-con networks etc.]

The U.S. would have adopted a national health-care system long ago, rejecting the privatized system that sports twice the per-capita costs found in similar societies and some of the worst outcomes in the industrial world. It would have rejected what is widely regarded by those who pay attention as a "fiscal train wreck" in-the-making. The U.S. would have ratified the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions and undertaken still stronger measures to protect the environment. It would allow the UN to take the lead in international crises, including in Iraq. After all, according to opinion polls, since shortly after the 2003 invasion, a large majority of Americans have wanted the UN to take charge of political transformation, economic reconstruction, and civil order in that land.

[It all looks so rosy. Far from being in terminal decline the US has merely strayed a little of late but will soon set all to right. It’s as if nothing was ever really at stake and empire doesn’t bring with it the dilemma of expansion or collapse. The collapse of US/UK power, though necessary and desirable, will undoubtedly be cataclysmic ]

If public opinion mattered, the U.S. would accept UN Charter restrictions on the use of force, contrary to a bipartisan consensus that this country, alone, has the right to resort to violence in response to potential threats, real or imagined, including threats to our access to markets and resources. The U.S. (along with others) would abandon the Security Council veto and accept majority opinion even when in opposition to it. The UN would be allowed to regulate arms sales; while the U.S. would cut back on such sales and urge other countries to do so, which would be a major contribution to reducing large-scale violence in the world. Terror would be dealt with through diplomatic and economic measures, not force, in accord with the judgment of most specialists on the topic but again in diametric opposition to present-day policy.

[“If public opinion mattered, the US...” This passage goes quite well to the theme “If I ruled the world”.But there is a dark note: “terror”. I wonder who could be behind that]

Furthermore, if public opinion influenced policy, the U.S. would have diplomatic relations with Cuba, benefiting the people of both countries (and, incidentally, U.S. agribusiness, energy corporations, and others), instead of standing virtually alone in the world in imposing an embargo (joined only by Israel, the Republic of Palau, and the Marshall Islands). Washington would join the broad international consensus on a two-state settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict, which (with Israel) it has blocked for 30 years -- with scattered and temporary exceptions -- and which it still blocks in word, and more importantly in deed, despite fraudulent claims of its commitment to diplomacy. The U.S. would also equalize aid to Israel and Palestine, cutting off aid to either party that rejected the international consensus.

[And we could work for regime change in Iran and then, why not?,in Russia. That is, if we are really serious about the Soros agenda]

Evidence on these matters is reviewed in my book Failed States as well as in The Foreign Policy Disconnect by Benjamin Page (with Marshall Bouton), which also provides extensive evidence that public opinion on foreign (and probably domestic) policy issues tends to be coherent and consistent over long periods. Studies of public opinion have to be regarded with caution, but they are certainly highly suggestive.
Democracy promotion at home, while no panacea, would be a useful step towards helping our own country become a "responsible stakeholder" in the international order (to adopt the term used for adversaries), instead of being an object of fear and dislike throughout much of the world. Apart from being a value in itself, functioning democracy at home holds real promise for dealing constructively with many current problems, international and domestic, including those that literally threaten the survival of our species.

[The problem with being a bully is that no one likes you. But I’m being unfair Noam- you’re right about the need for the US and the UK to become “responsible stakeholders” in the international order. I prefer to think of it as a community of nations relating to each other on the basis of equality and respect for sovereignty. Rather along the lines of the principles outlined at Bandung(note particularly principle no.4):

The result of the 1955 Asian-African Conference was known as the Ten Principles of Bandung, a political statement containing the basic principles in the efforts to promote peace and cooperation in the world. The following are the Ten Principles of Bandung:
1. Respect for fundamental human rights and for the purposes and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
2. Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.
3. Recognition of the equality of all races and of the equality of all nations large and small.
4. Abstention from intervention or interference in the internal affairs of another country.
5. Respect for the right of each nation to defend itself singly or collectively, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations.
6. Abstention from the use of arrangements of collective defense to serve the particular interests of any of the big powers, abstention by any country from exerting pressures on other countries.
7. Refraining from acts or threats of aggression or the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any country.
8. Settlement of all international disputes by peaceful means, such as negotiation, conciliation, arbitration or judicial settlement as well as other peaceful means of the parties' own choice, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations.
9. Promotion of mutual interests and cooperation.
10. Respect for justice and international obligation. ]