Sunday, September 24, 2006

La défaite d’Israël au Liban
par Thierry Meyssan

The Israeli defeat in Lebanon
Thierry Meyssan (

With accompanying translation by Colin Buchanan

Après avoir rencontré de nombreux leaders politiques et responsables militaires libanais, Thierry Meyssan tire les leçons de la guerre. Selon lui, le recours par Israël aux bombardements massifs des zones urbaines et sa défaite face à une guérilla populaire n’ont pas d’équivalent depuis le bombardement d’Hanoï et la victoire du peuple vietnamien sur les troupes US. Surtout, explique-t-il dans ce premier article, le sort des armes a renversé les problématiques internationales transformant une guerre d’Israël contre une « organisation terroriste » en un conflit idéologique régional entre forces sionistes et anti-sionistes qui traverse aussi bien le Liban qu’Israël.

After having met with many politicians and Lebanese military officials, Thierry Meyssan draws the lessons of the war. According to him, Israel’s resort to carpet bombings of urban areas and her defeat by a popular guerilla army are unprecedented since the bombing of Hanoi and the victory of US troops by the Vietnamese people. Above all, he explains in this article, the outcome has overturned the existing paradigm transforming an Israeli war against a “terrorist organization” into a regioinal and ideological conflict between Zionist and anti-Zionist forces across both Israel and Lebanon.

Échec de « l’Air Power »

The Failure of Air Power.

Le plan d’attaque a été conçu de concert par les états-majors états-unien et israélien. Le Pentagone a imposé la technique du Shock and Awe dans le cadre, classique pour Tsahal, du Blitzkrieg.

The plan of attack had been conceived jointly by the US and Israeli chiefs of staff. The Pentagon superimposed its Shock and Awe tactics on Tsahal’s classic Blitzkrieg approach.

Pour les généraux états-uniens, le moment était venu de faire la démonstration du « Pouvoir aérien ». Depuis les années 30, l’armée de l’air tente de démontrer qu’un bombardement aérien massif peut suffire à contraindre un ennemi à se rendre, sans combats au sol. Il conviendrait pour cela de faire tomber un
déluge de feu qui plongerait l’ennemi dans un état d’hébétude. Cette théorie a été mise en pratique sans succès par les États-Unis un peu partout dans le monde depuis 60 ans. Cette fois, l’idée était que la destruction systématique et complète de toutes les villes du Sud-Liban pousserait les Libanais à se révolter contre la dictature du Hezbollah et à acclamer la famille Hariri.

For the US generals, the moment had come to give a demonstration of air power. For the last thirty years, the air force had sought to show that massive aerial bombardment is sufficient to force an enemy to surrender without the need for combat on the ground. It would be sufficient to unleash a deluge of bombs to leave the enemy hopelessly incapacitated. This theory has been put into practice throughout the world for the last 60 years. This time, the idea was that complete and utter destruction of all the towns in Southern Lebanon would drive the Lebanese to rebel against the dictatorship of Hezbollah and turn their support to the Hariri family.

Au bout d’une journée et demie de bombardements, Tsahal avait coupé les communications entre le Nord et le Sud du pays, rendu l’aéroport de Beyrouth impraticable et détruit les réserves d’hydrocarbures, bloqué les docks des principaux ports, et imposé un embargo aérien et naval. Seules restaient des routes reliant le Nord du Liban à la Syrie, sur lesquelles se pressaient des colonnes de déplacés.

After a day and a half of bombing, Tsahal had cut communications between the north and the South of the country, rendered the airport unusable and destroyed petrol reserves, blockaded the main ports and imposed a sea and air embargo. There only remained the routes linking the north of Lebanon and Syria, filled with refugees.

Le problème est que le Hezbollah n’est pas une dictature, mais un mouvement de résistance et de solidarité. Les bombardements ont déplacé un million de personnes. Le premier quart a émigré à l’étranger, le second quart a trouvé refuge en Syrie et la moitié restante s’est déplacée au Nord-Liban. Les réfugiés n’ont reçu aucun secours de l’État. Ils ont par contre été pris en charge par le Hezbollah aidé du Courant patriotique libre du général chrétien Michel Aoun. Certains ont été accueillis par d’autres réfugiés, des Palestiniens, qui vivent misérablement dans des camps de fortune depuis 60 ans. Loin de considérer le Hezbollah comme responsable du malheur qui les frappait, les déplacés ont maudit Tsahal qui les frappait, les États-Unis qui l’armait, et le gouvernement Siniora qui collaborait.

The problem was that Hezbollah is not a dictatorship, but a movement of resistance and solidarity. The bombings displaced a million people. The first quarter emigrated, the second found refuge in Syria and the remaining half went to north Lebanon. The refugees received no state aid. They were rather taken charge of by Hezbollah, helped by the free patriotic current of the Christian general Michel Aoun. Some received the hospitality of other refugees, the Palestinians, who have been living in poverty in the refugee camps for 60 years. Far from considering Hezbollah as the being responsible for their plight, the refugees blamed Tsahal, armed by the Americans with the collaboration of the Siniora government.

La chose la plus étonnante est que les Libanais restés dans le Sud, 34 jours sous un déluge de bombes cinq fois supérieur à la puissance d’Hiroshima, ne sont pas tombés en état de choc. Cette endurance est d’abord due à leur expérience antérieure de la guerre, mais elle doit aussi beaucoup à leur formation et à leur encadrement, sinon à leur foi. Loin de perdre espoir, ils se sont préparés à une guerre longue et ont été surpris par la rapidité de leur victoire.

The most amazing thing was that the Lebanese who remained in the South throughout a deluge of bombs equivalent to five Hiroshimas didn’t collapse into a state of shock. Their endurance was due, first of all, to their previous experience, but also to their training and organization, if not to their faith. Far from giving up they had prepared themselves for a long war and were surprised by the rapidity of their own victory.

Accessoirement, Tsahal a bombardé dès le second jour les studios de la télévision Al-Manar et le siège national du Parti de Dieu, tous deux situés dans un quartier populaire de Beyrouth. Cette attaque n’ayant interrompu les programmes d’Al-Manar que deux minutes et n’ayant eu aucun effet sur l’organisation du Hezbollah, l’état-major israélien a cru que les dirigeants de la télévision et du parti s’étaient réfugiés dans des bunkers situés sous les décombres. Tsahal a donc poursuivi six autres jours les bombardements pour venir à bout des installations souterraines avant de se rendre compte qu’elles n’existaient que dans la fertile imagination des journalistes de Fox News. Au passage, ces bombardements ont dévasté tout le Sud de la capitale qui n’est plus qu’un tas de gravois. Cet acharnement dans l’erreur a psychologiquement profité au Hezbollah qui est apparu invincible face à l’une des armées les mieux équipées au monde.

In addition, Tsahal bombed from day two, the TV studios Al-Manar and the headquarters of the Party of God, both situated in a working class area of Beirut. Since this only interrupted broadcasts for two minutes and had no effect whatsoever on the organization of Herzbollah, the Israeli high command assumed that the TV studio and the party leadership were situated underneath the rubble. Tsahal then embarked on six days of further bombardment of these supposed underground installations before realizing that they existed only in the fertile imagination of Fox News. In passing , these bombings devastated the south of the capital which is now nothing but a pile of rubble. This unremitting pursuit of an imaginary target was to Hezbollah’s advantage psychologically, making them look invincible against one of the best equipped armies in the world.

Les bombardements israéliens sont sans rapport avec la réplique du Hezbollah. Tsahal a utilisé des F-15 pour déverser un tapis de bombes et réduire en poudre toutes les villes du Sud-Liban. Jamais une nation n’avait osé recourir à ce type de bombardement en zone urbaine depuis la destruction d’Hanoï en 1972 par l’US Air Force, jamais depuis lors une armée moderne n’avait essuyé une telle défaite face à une guérilla. Le Hezbollah quant à lui a utilisé des roquettes exclusivement tournées vers des objectifs militaires, même si l’ajustement d’artillerie a nécessairement atteint des sites civils. Il est établi que la Résistance libanaise a détruit un aéroport militaire, le principal centre de transmissions électroniques, le quartier général du Commandement-Nord israélien, et gravement endommagé deux navires de guerre.

The Israeli bombardment was completely disproportionate to Hezbollah’s response. Tsahal used F-15s to carpet bomb and reduce to dust all the towns of southern Lebanon. No nation has dared to resort to this type of bombing in an urban context since the bombing of Hanoi in1972 by the US Airforce and never since then has a modern army suffered such a defeat by guerilla forces. As for Hezbollah, they used rockets aimed exclusively at military targets even though they inevitably hit some civilian facilities. It is confirmed that the Lebanese resistance destroyed a military airport, the principal electronic communications centre, the command centre of Israeli Northern Command as well as seriously damaging two naval vessels.

Lors de la proclamation par l’ONU de la cessation des hostilités, et alors même que le Hezbollah hésitait sur la conduite à tenir, les déplacés libanais ont spontanément repris le chemin du retour. Une demi-heure après le moment tant attendu, les routes praticables du pays n’étaient qu’un unique embouteillage. Les déplacés sont venus immédiatement camper sur les ruines de leurs habitations, refusant symboliquement de céder leur terre. Ce flot humain a contraint les forces terrestres israéliennes a accélérer leur repli.

From the moment of the declaration of a ceasefire by the UN, and while Hezbollah was still hesitating as to how to react, the Lebanese refugees spontaneously began to return to their homes. Half an hour after this long- awaited moment, the roads which were still open became one immense traffic jam. They returned to camp on the ruins of their homes, refusing symbolically to desert their homes. This human flood forced the Israelis to accelerate their retreat.

L’armée de l’air israélienne affirme également avoir détruit en 72 heures la totalité des rampes de lancement de missiles Sahar livrés par l’Iran au Hezbollah. Cependant, le Hezbollah assure qu’il n’en est rien et qu’il est toujours en mesure de frapper Tel-Aviv. Ce qui est vraisemblable puisque lorsque Tsahal a tenté de reprendre les bombardements sur Beyrouth et qu’Hassan Nasrallah a menacé de rétorsion sur Tel-Aviv, les Israéliens ont renoncé à tenir le pari.

The Israeli air force claims also to have destroyed all the Sahar missile launchers provided to Hezbollah by Iran. Hezbollah, however, deny this claiming they are still capable of striking Tel Aviv. This seems credible since when Tsahal tried to resume the bombing of Beirut they backed down when Hassan Nasrallah threatened to bomb Tel Aviv in retaliation.

Les responsables du Hezbollah affirment n’avoir utilisé qu’un neuvième de leur arsenal et être actuellement en mesure de livrer une guerre identique de onze mois. Les éléments recueillis sur place montrent que plusieurs de leurs unités anti-tank ont été conservées en réserve et n’ont pas participé aux combats.
Hezbollah claims only to have used a ninth of their arsenal and to be able to continue a similar war for eleven months. The evidence gathered on the ground shows that several of their anti-tank units have been held back in reserve and weren’t used in combat.

En définitive, la totale dominance aérienne de Tsahal n’a aucunement servi ses objectifs de guerre. Le déploiement terrestre, quant à lui, a tout de suite tourné au fiasco.

Clearly, Tsahal’s complete air dominance didn’t help them to achieve any of their war aims. As for the ground invasion, it immediately turned into a fiasco.

Échec de l’offensive terrestre.

The Failure of the Ground Offensive.

Dès le premier jour, la tentative de pénétration par des blindés a échoué et la cavalerie a du faire demi-tour. Or, traditionnellement, l’une des forces de Tsahal est sa capacité de progression rapide. Ce premier échec a été interprété comme une tentative prématurée. Les états-majors ont estimé qu’une fois le terrain déblayé par les bombardiers, les troupes au sol n’auraient pas de difficulté à nettoyer les poches de résistance. Le Hezbollah était présenté comme un groupuscule terroriste disposant de 250 à 500 combattants et d’armes sophistiquées. Les déclarations d’Hassan Nasrallah selon lesquelles le Parti de Dieu disposait de plusieurs milliers de combattants aguerris et de 15 000 réservistes ont été prises pour des fanfaronnades. C’est une très lourde erreur, exclusivement imputable à de l’auto-intoxication. Il n’était nullement besoin de services de renseignements complexes pour évaluer la donne, d’autant que le Hezbollah organisait depuis des années des visites de ses installations pour la presse, dans un but dissuasif. Mais la rhétorique de la « guerre au terrorisme », qui assimile tout mouvement patriotique à des groupuscules de fanatiques, l’a emportée sur une réalitée connue de tous.

From the first day, the attempt by tank divisions to break through failed and the cavalry was obliged to make an about turn. Now, traditionally, one of Tsahal’s strengths has been the rapidity of its forward thrust. This first failure was initially seen as a merely a premature operation. The chiefs of staff thought that once the terrain had been cleared by aerial bombardment, ground troops would have no difficulty in clearing up any pockets of resistance. Hezbollah was presented as a small terrorist group of some 250 to 500 fighters with some sophisticated weapons. The statements by Hassan Nasrallah, according to which the Party of God had at its disposal several thousand seasoned fighters and 15,000 reservists, were taken for so much boasting. It was a very big error, the result of the Isrealis believing their own propaganda.You didn’t need sophisticated intelligence networks to see the reality, especially since, for some years now, Hezbollah had been organizing tours of its bases with a view to dissuading the Israelis from doing anything rash. But the rhetoric of “the war on terror” which equates all patriotic groups with small groups of terrorist fanatics, blinded the Israelis to a reality known to all.

Le Hezbollah est un réseau de résistance constitué au cours de l’occupation israélienne (1982-2000). Parfaitement conscient que la paix est impossible dans la région tant que n’aura pas été réglé la question du régime politique en vigueur en Israël, il a consacré les six dernières années à se préparer à de nouvelles batailles. Il a conservé sa structure clandestine, tout en développant une aile politique et parlementaire. Il a formé ses membres, hommes et femmes, à une discipline combattante. Il a constitué un arsenal impressionnant aux frais de ses alliés syriens et iraniens, peut-être russes.

Hezbollah is a network of resistance formed during the Israeli occupation (1982- 2000). Perfectly aware that peace in the region is impossible as long as the question of the nature of the Israeli regime has not been resolved, it has dedicated the last six years to preparing for new battles. It has maintained its underground structure at the same time as developing a political and parliamentary wing. It has trained its members, men and women, to be disciplined fighters. It has built up an impressive arsenal provided by its Syrian, Iranian and possibly Russian allies.

Il a analysé ses propres erreurs de la période antérieure et étudié les méthodes de combat des Israéliens en Palestine et des États-uniens en Irak. Il a parfaitement assimilé les techniques de guérilla et les a modernisées. Suivant les théories élaborées par les généraux libanais A. H. et E. H., il a inventé une forme de guérrilla qui joue sur une palette d’armements disparates. Ainsi, il a enfouit à l’avance dans le sol d’archaïques téléphones de campagnes, impossible à intercepter à la différence des communications numérisées, tout en utilisant des lunettes infra-rouges hi-tech de vision nocturne pour accroître la mobilité de ses commandos.

It has analyzed its errors during the previous period and studied the combat methods of the Israelis in Palestine and the US in Iraq. It has completely assimilated and modernised its methods of guerilla war. Following the theories elaborated by the Lebanese generals A.H. and E.H. it has invented a type of guerilla war which uses a wide range of different weapons. For example, it buried in advance old fashioned combat phones which unlike digital phones couldn’t be intercepted and used hi-tech infra-red night vision goggles to increase the mobility of their commandos.

La guerre du Liban n’a donc pas été une guerre asymétrique opposant une armée moderne, bien équipée, à une guérilla de va-nu-pieds. Dans cette bataille du Goliath israélien contre le David libanais, le faible ne disposait pas que d’une fronde, mais aussi des RPG-29 Vampire, les lance-roquettes les plus performants au monde.
The Lebanese War was not, therefore, an asymmetric war confronting a well-equipped modern army with a ragtag band of guerillas. In this battle between the Israeli Goliath and the Lebanese David, the weaker side didn’t just have slings ; they also had the RPG-29 Vampire, the best rocket-launcher in the world.

La technique du Blitzkrieg, qui fit la victoire allemande de 1939, a trouvé sa limite. Elle était entièrement basée sur les chars. Avec le temps, ceux-ci sont devenus de plus en plus lourds pour résister à des projectiles de plus en plus puissants. Certains sont aujourd’hui recouverts d’uranium appauvri pour renforcer leur blindage. Ils ont été des proies faciles pour les RPG russes du Hezbollah. On doit d’ailleurs se demander si la guerre du Liban ne va pas marquer la fin des chars, comme la bataille d’Azincourt marque celle des chevaliers en armures. Au demeurant, le ministère israélien de la Défense vient d’annoncer qu’il cessait la production des chars Merkava, jusqu’ici considérés comme parmi les meilleurs au monde.

War by Blitzkrieg, which brought Germany victory in 1939, has found its limit. It was based entirely on tank warfare. With the course of time, tanks have become heavier and heavier to counter increasingly powerful anti-tank rockets. Today, some are reinforced with depleted uranium armour plating. They turned out to be easy prey for Hezbollah’s Russian RPGs. We must, then, question whether the war in Lebanon won’t mark the end of the tank, just as Agincourt marked the end of the heavily armoured mounted knight. Incidently, the Israeli defence minister has just announced that the production of the Merkava tank, considered amongst the best in the world, is to be ended.

Une tragique erreur d’analyse

A Tragic Error of Analysis

Mais au-delà de la stratégie, de la tactique et de l’armement, la leçon la plus importante de la guerre du Liban, c’est la valeur des troupes. Au cours des conflits précédents, Tsahal plaçait en première ligne des unités professionnelles et déployait en quelques jours une nuée de réservistes. Ceux-ci se montraient âpres au combat pour défendre la terre acquise et pour en conquérir de nouvelles. Mais les temps ont changé. Les héros de la Légion juive et de la Hagannah sont morts. Leurs petits enfants sont les bénéficiaires d’un régime d’apartheid qui ne se battent plus pour une patrie, mais pour leurs privilèges. Leur expérience militaire se borne à des ratonnades en uniforme dans les Territoires palestiniens. Ils n’ont pas supporté l’affrontement avec la résistance patriotique d’un pays indépendant.

But, apart from questions of strategy, tactics and armament, the most important lesson from Lebanon concerns the quality of the troops themselves. In previous conflicts Tsahal deployed a professional force in the front line following up in a few days with a swarm of reservists. These proved resolute both in defense of land conquered and in conquering fresh terrain. But times have changed. The heroes of the Jewish legion and of Hagannah are dead. Their grandchildren are the beneficiaries of an apartheid regime who fight, not for their country, but for their privileges. Their military experience is limited to racist attacks in uniform in the occupied territories. They haven’t been able to stand up to the patriotic resistance of an independent country.

En réalité, cette guerre n’a pas été celle d’Israël contre le Liban, mais du sioniste contre l’idéal égalitaire. Il convient de rappeler ici que Tsahal n’est pas composé par le peuple israélien, mais par les Israéliens juifs par filiation pour combattre les arabes, fussent-ils israéliens. Au fil des ans, cette armée s’est surtout consacrée au maintien de l’ordre, ou plutôt au maintien de l’apartheid. Les juifs israéliens anti-sionistes ont d’abord opté pour l’objection de conscience et pour l’insoumission. Aujourd’hui, ils placent leur espoir dans le Hezbollah. Ils ont transmis à la Résistance libanaise toutes les documentations internes de Tsahal, qui ont été rapidement traduites en arabe et distribuées à la guérilla. Les maquisards disposaient ainsi des descriptions précises des unités qu’ils combattaient. Informés du détail de la hiérarchie et des insignes de commandement, ils ciblaient les officiers avant de disparaître.

In reality this war was not between Israel and Lebanon, but between Zionism and the egalitarian ideal. It’s worth remembering that Tsahal is not composed of the Israeli people but of Israeli Jews fighting against Arabs, including Israeli Arabs. Over the years, this army has dedicated itself , above all to maintaining order, or, rather, maintaining apartheid. The anti-Zionist Israeli Jews opted initially to be conscientious objectors or simply refused to serve. Nowadays they place their hope in Hezbollah. They passed on to the Lebanese resistance all Tsahal’s internal documents which were immediately translated into Arabic and distributed to the guerilla fighters. The resistance, therefore, had detailed descriptions of the Israeli units. Informed of the details of the military chain of command and their insignia, they were able to target the officers.

Cette qualité du renseignement de la Résistance, qui contraste avec l’auto-intoxication du renseignement militaire sioniste, explique en partie le résultat sur le terrain. Le souvenir restera de la ville d’Aïta Al-Chaab, à la frontière libano-israélienne, où une centaine de combattants résista pendant 34 jours aux assauts de Tsahal sans jamais tomber.

This high quality of intelligence available to the resistance contrasted with the delusional notions which the Israeli army fed itself, explains, in part, the outcome. The town of Aita Al-Chaab, on the Lebanese frontier, where, for 34 days, about a hundred fighters successfully resisted the Israeli army, will always be remembered.

Hassan Nasrallah : à la fois Ho Chi Minh et Mandela ?

Hassan Nasrallah : Ho Chi Minh and Mandela rolled into one?

Les gouvernements israélien et états-unien persistent à présenter le conflit comme une étape de la « guerre au terrorisme » bien que le caractère populaire de la résistance et la défaite de Tsahal contredisent cette analyse. De son côté, le Hezbollah présente ces combats comme une bataille dans la guerre qui oppose dans la région l’idéologie sioniste à l’idéal égalitaire. C’est cette analyse politique qui vient de s’imposer sur le terrain et qui renverse la donne au Proche-Orient, provoquant la colère des généraux les plus extrémistes au sein de l’état-major de Tsahal.

The US and Israel persist in seeing this war as part of the war on terrorism” even though the popular nature of the resistance and Tsahal’s defeat contradict this analysis. For its part, Hezbollah presents the war as a regional struggle between Zionist ideology and its own egalitarian ideals. It is this analysis which has imposed itself on the ground, overturning the prevailing view of the Middle East and provoking the anger of the more extremist generals within Tsahal.

S’il est impossible de quantifier le nombre d’officiers anti-sionistes israéliens qui sont en contact secrètement avec le Hezbollah, il est par contre aisé d’évaluer la manière dont les Israéliens perçoivent la Résistance. Des études d’opinion ont montré que les émissions quotidiennes en hébreu d’Al-Manar ont été plus écoutées par les Israéliens que les bulletins d’information de leurs propres chaînes de télévision [1]. Elles ont aussi mis en évidence que les Israéliens font deux fois plus confiance à Hassan Nasrallah qu’à Ehud Olmert pour résoudre la crise. Loin d’avoir été éradiqué par Tsahal, le Hezbollah est devenu un acteur politique invisible en Israël où il incarne la possible fin de l’apartheid et l’établissement d’une paix durable pour toutes les populations sans exclusive.

If it is impossible to quantify the precise number of Israeli officers in contact with Hezbollah, it is , on the other hand, easy to evaluate the Israeli perception of the resistance. Surveys have shown that more Israelis listen to the daily Hebrew broadcasts of Al-Manar than to news reports from there own TV channels. They also show that the Israelis have twice as much confidence in Hassan Nasrallah to resolve the crisis than they do in Ehud Olmert. Far from being eradicated by Tsahal, Hezbollah has become an invisible political player within Israel where it embodies the possibility of ending apartheid and establishing an inclusive peace for all the peoples of the region.

La défaite israélienne

The Israeli Defeat

L’offensive israélienne au Liban répond à une conjunction d’intérêts.
Pour les néo-conservateurs au pouvoir aux États-Unis, qui font ici office de donneur d’ordre, il s’agit stratégiquement de poursuivre le plan de remodelage des frontières du Grand Moyen-Orient, et tactiquement d’éliminer le Hezbollah avant d’attaquer la Syrie, puis l’Iran [2].

Pour le régime sioniste au pouvoir en Israël, il s’agit stratégiquement de chasser les populations du Sud-Liban, d’annexer cette zone et ses nappes phréatiques, d’y créer un bantoustan pour les Arabes de Cisjordanie –voire de Gaza-, et tactiquement d’éliminer le Hezbollah en tant qu’opposition au gouvernement Siniora.

Pour le système financier, incarné au Liban par la famille Hariri, les destructions permettent de rééditer la vaste opération de réhabilitation du pays qui les a enrichis dans les années 90.

The Isreali offensive in Lebanon brings together a variety of interests.
► for the neoconservatives in power in the US, who are giving the orders here, the strategic goal is to transform the frontiers of the Middle East, the tactical goal is to eliminate Hezbollah before attacking Syria and Iran.
►for the Zionist regime in power in Israel, the strategic goal was to clear the population of Southern Lebanon, to annex this area and its water supplies, to create a Bantustan for the Arabs of the West Bank – indeed , of Gaza too-, and, tactically, to eliminate Hezbollah as an opposition to the Siniora government.
►for the financial system, personified in Lebanon by the Hariri family, the destruction offered them the opportunity to make a vast fortune out of the reconstruction of Lebanon, as they had done in the 90s.

Or, les frontières du Liban n’ont pas été modifiées ; les populations du Sud-Liban ont regagné les terres dont elles ont été chassées ; le Hezbollah est devenu la première force politique et militaire du Liban et devient un acteur essentiel de la vie politique intérieure israélienne ; les Libanais ont refait leur unité ; la Syrie a retrouvé un leadership régional ; l’Iran est renforcé par la victoire de son allié libanais. Quant aux objectifs financiers, la famille Hariri loin d’être en mesure de se maintenir au pouvoir à Beyrouth risque de perdre les immenses propriétés qu’elle a acquises illégalement au cours de la première reconstruction [3].

Now, the frontiers of Lebanon haven’t been altered ; the population of South Lebanon has returned to the homes which they were forced to leave ; Hezbollah has become the leading political and military force in Lebanon as well as a key player in Israel’s own internal politics ; Lebanese unity has been reaffirmed ; Syria has regained its regional leadership ; Iran is strengthened by the victory of its Lebanese allies. As for the financial objectives, far from being in a position to keep its hold on power, the Hariri family is in danger of losing the vast properties which they acquired illegally during the last reconstruction.

En tous points, l’offensive militaire est une défaite.

On all fronts, then, the military offensive has been defeated.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

“Better the Sultan’s turban than the Cardinal’s hat”

Apart fom the sinister decision to launch an attack on Islam at this moment in history when the supreme question of war or peace hangs in the balance, there is a rather bizarre aspect to this whole affair viz. the curious decision to quote a Byzantine emperor’s views on Islam.

Byzantium had experienced first hand the brutality of the western crusaders who, goaded on by Catholic priests in 1203 had sacked the city in one of the greatest atrocities in history, magnified several-fold by the immense cultural and intellectual loss in what was one of the great centres of world civilization. This shocking act of delinquency way surpassed the sacking of Rome by the Goths or the, relatively humane, subsequent sacking of Byzantium by the Turks. Here is how it was recorded by one Byzantine historian:

"No one was without a share in the grief. In the alleys, in the streets, in the temples, complaints, weeping, lamentations, grief, the groaning of men, the shrieks of women, wounds, rape, captivity, the separation of those most closely united. Nobles wandered about ignominiously, those of venerable age in tears, the rich in poverty. Thus it was in the streets, on the corners, in the temple, in the dens, for no place remained unassailed or defended the suppliants. All places everywhere were filled full of all kinds of crime. Oh, immortal God, how great the afflictions of the men, how great the distress!"

The Byzantine historian Nicetas Koniates wrote: "even the Muslims are human and well-disposed, reported to[compared to] those people who carrie the cross of Christ on the shoulders"

Manual II Paleologos ( the emperor who Benedict quoted) had reason to fear the Muslims since Byzantium was perpetually on the verge of falling to them, as indeed it did in 1453. But even in the midst of that final siege one of the city’s last great statesmen was heard to say “Better the Sultan’s turban than the cardinal’s hat”

In fact the destruction or a least fatal weakening of the Byzantine Empire was the main outcome of the crusades whose nominal goal was the reconquest of the Holy Land. It was rather as if todays war against Islam was really an oblique attempt to undermine Europe and Russia in accordance with the perennial goals of British foreign policy as outlined by Mackinder i.e. that Europe and Eurasia should forever be divided. (That may very well be the case.Arguably, the turn towards Iraq only came when the campaign to destabilise Serbia and then Russia reached an impasse and even the submissive Yeltsin threatened to use nuclear weapons to defend Russia.) Certainly, with regard to the deep animosity between Western Christendom and the Orthodox world, history has repeated itself and under NATO’s occupation of Kosovo we have seen again the destruction of beautiful Byzantine churches by Tony and Bill’s favourite terrorists, the KLA.

Thank you,Your Holiness , for reminding us, unconsciously, of things you would rather keep forgotten, Western Christendom’s jihad against its religious foes culminating in the destruction of the beautiful city of Byzantium , echoed nearly a thousand years later in the destruction of Kosovo’s churches.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Brown and Retreat from Empire.

A vague air of depression hangs over the place as the realization sinks in that the counter-coup has been and gone. As in Von Stauffenberg’s plot an insufficient explosive charge was used and the fuhrer was able to emerge more or less unscathed. The motivation for that plot would have been comparable; military reverses had become unacceptable and simply couldn’t go on as before. The unprecedented viciousness of the Blairite response to Brown’s first grab for power confirm that here was more than just personal rivalry: entire factions within Britain’s elite had begun a struggle to end War without End.

It has been objected that Brown lacks any alternative programme and that the contest can therefore be no more than a bit of shadow boxing. This shows a somewhat naïve view of politics where each man puts forward his programme and the best man wins. Here, not only is it not necessary to have a stated programme , it is necessary not to have one. For who could put forward a programme that is effectively a recognition of military defeat: that the struggle to force the rest of the world to support us at their own expense has been lost. The alternative, that we must support ourselves, is so terrible as to be unconscionable. Rather, what we are seeing here is an attempt to grab the reins of power and just do what is necessary; bring the army out of Iraq and Afghanistan while there is still an army to talk of. Of course, the counter-coup would not express itself in defeatist terms. The US/UK would reaffirm their global leadership through diplomacy and trade: a continuation of war by other means- winning without war as the Democrats put it. Losing is winning by other means.

But this would be nothing other than the necessary illusion of those destined to begin the retreat: and those illusions would have all the power necessary to sustain the protagonists. Once retreat has begun an unstoppable chain of events is unleashed: the collapse of the dollar and pound, an inflationary and deflationary economic crisis and generalized political crisis and social breakdown. Most importantly, internal consumption, the glue that holds what’s left of our society together would collapse: consumers would become debtors. In short, the collapse of the imperial project would demonstrate why it had become necessary in the first place and why so many went along with. But now would be the time for the hangover and it would be one hell of a hangover in which the British people would be made more miserable by the impression (correct) that they had brought all this upon themselves through stupidity and greed.

After looking and around and starting to pick up the pieces where would we go? Well, the oligarchy, the creditors who have by now inherited virtually all real estate and state property will have no intention of letting go of it. As at the end of the Roman Empire society would be divided into potentes and humiliores, the all-powerful and the impoverished . Unlike that post-imperial scenario the oligarchy would be unable to transform themselves into a feudal class on the basis of their largely rural property holdings; there would be barriers to the level of backwardness that could be inflicted on what was once a modern society. A legal revolution would therefore eventually be set in motion to reclaim the ill-gotten gains of the post- Thatcherite oligarchy ( property is theft, remember). The collapse of the Middle East war effort would already have unleashed a bloodless purge of the European atlanticist faction : the likes of Sarkozy and Merkel. A great historic development would emerge: an independent and united Europe. The British people would then find a powerful ally in a Europe only too happy to rid itself of a permanent fifth column in its stand off with the USA. Let’s hope we have the wherewithal to grasp the opportunity this presents.

But I am getting ahead of myself: what is clear is that the plots will continue, the process has begun whereby the Whigs who seized power in 1688 to establish the empire of usury and slavery face their demise; it’s not the end of the beginning, it’s the beginning of the end.

Friday, September 08, 2006

When will someone on the left break ranks?

Craig Murray’s appeals for scepticism regarding the latest supposed Muslim plot to carry out terrorist attacks have marked a possible turning point in popular attitudes towards the so-called war on terror. His blog has apparently been inundated with hits suggesting, as he puts it, that he has struck a nerve. Evidently, not everyone keeps swallowing this terror stuff uncritically. But his stance also has significance from another point of view: Murray is something of a hero on the left, but the left have made it an article of faith not to challenge the consensus on the war on terror. Might they not now be feeling the pressure to adopt a more critical stance towards the word of Tony Blair? On every other issue he is Bliar, but seemingly when it comes to the war on terror his word is his bond.

In fact, the left insist that Muslims, albeit legitimately disaffected Muslims, are behind the terrorist attacks. How do they justify this rather surprising line? Well, some of the more theoretically inclined of the comrades argue that the bourgeoisie (their rather quaint term for the Mafiosi who are seeking to make their rule absolute) simply don’t have to use such methods. In fact with the pirate’s endless war strategy beginning to look like endless defeat, as one disaster follows another, they would appear to have every need for every trick they’ve got- it is this sense that the latest plot comes just in time to save Blair’s bacon that has made so many people suspicious.

No, in fact there is no real debate about this amongst the left – this is simply the line and those who dissent are not presented with arguments but labelled: they are conspiracy nuts, or even anti-Semites. What gives the line credibility is that it’s backed up by the likes of John Pilger, Robert Fisk, George Galloway, Noam Chomsky et al; that is to say by sundry “bourgeois” journalist, academics and politicians. And how dare you challenge these luminaries! - We cling to their every word, we’re revolutionaries! Whose every word do you cling to? Well, oddly enough, some of us actually think for ourselves- a radical attitude, no doubt, but seemingly not a revolutionary one.

And what is it exactly that these luminaries are telling us and the far left is faithfully echoing: it’s the terrorists who are doing it as a response to our foreign policy. No elements inside the state are involved- we can rule that out a priori despite the fact that the war party is the obvious beneficiary of each and every terrorist attack.( didn’t Blair tell us that the war wouldn’t have been possible without 9/11?) Or are they? The left thinks not – they think, or claim to think, that blaming these attacks on our foreign policy means Blair and his gang will lose credibility. That is a rather foolish assumption, to my mind, ignoring as it does the deep reserves of racism and xenophobia which British society possesses. All you are doing is conceding unquestioningly that Muslims are indeed behind the terrorist atrocities and thereby setting up the Muslim community for further isolation and vilification. This politically correct counter spin now adopted by virtually every oppositional force in Britain simply reinforces the simple , brutal message that the War Party wish to convey: the Muslims are the terrorists.

Certainly one can understand why mainstream figures such as Pilger don’t want to start questioning 9/11 and the other atrocities: he risks losing his credibility and worse, witness the experiences of Cristopher Bollyn, Michael Rupert and other 9/11 sceptics. However, the loose canon of the far left, what have they got to lose? Is it fear, folly or something worse which motivates them not only to adopt this line but to so vehemently attack any dissent? Whatever the answer to that, their attitude is not one of the truth seeker unless truth be understood as the endless restatement of tired old clichés.

As the War on Terror approaches its denouement, those behind it will pull out all the stops to achieve their goals - the escalation of the war, beginning with an attack on Iran, and the consolidation of their power at home based on the de facto overthrow of what remains of government by consent. Only more terrorist attacks, attributed to Iran, no doubt, and creating an atmosphere of such fear that all becomes possible, can do this. So who will carry these out, some successful young Asian minding his own business or those being manipulated by dark forces behind Blair? (The “real terrorist” as the left always call him on their demos). When will someone on the left break ranks and admit to the latter as a possibility to be guarded against at all costs?